Guus Dubbelman
1957, The Netherlands
Guus Dubbelman has worked as a photojournalist since 1983, with de Volkskrant as his most important client. His field of work is not limited to sports, he has also photographed in various African countries and frequently in Suriname.
Chicago 1978: 'In his first year at the School of Journalism. The unknown photographer and the famous boxer shared an unspoken view of humanity and decided to start a friendship. He was always welcome in Chicago. The sleepovers could last a few days. Ali and Dubbelman could spend hours watching a huge television, which showed movies and boxing matches. The encounters with the boxer were decisive for the young, eager photographer, in whom the interest in black culture was already latent.'
Over the years, a handful of meetings followed. They talked about everything that concerned them, for example, the problems faced by black Americans. About boxing and about waning glory. Sometimes they saw each other for a short time, sometimes for days at a time.